Summer Spotlight: Kids on Stage- Break into Community Theater!

Summer SpotlightIf your child wishes to break into community theater such as Sterling Players, Northern Virginia Players, Encore Stage, or others, we have a new opportunity to help them get their foot in the door!

Compass is offering a 7-week workshop called “Auditioning Conditioning” for homeschoolers in 6th – 12th grade. Students will work with acting coach John Waldron to learn how to audition for theater or film, including auditions for agents, film, television, industrial films, TV ads, and community theatre. They will learn what to expect and how to feel comfortable, including picking the right audition piece and proper etiquette. This class offers a confidence-building experience complete with tips on what to do, and what not to do, in auditions. Students will practice performing cold readings where they are given a script, assigned a part, and asked to read through a scene on the spot. Actors in this class will learn about acting choices that can make a difference and help get the part. Emphasis will be on vocal and character development to prepare students for auditions, including a 1-3 minute comedic monologue, 1-3 minute dramatic monologue, and a simple acapella song. Mock student auditions will be video-taped, so they can see what changes can be made to improve the audition. Students will be shown examples of an acting resume and will be given tips on what to include in their own acting resume.

Auditioning Conditioning is offered on Wednesdays from 3:00 pm- 3:55 pm at Compass (in Oakton) starting September 7. See website for additional details and online registration.
