Road to the White House- New Class Opened

A new section of “Road to the White House” has been added for spring!

Students will learn to decipher election coverage in the news. What is a super delegate or a brokered convention? How are delegates divvied up? What would the late addition of a 3rd party candidate do to the race?

Students will discuss how presidents are nominated and elected, the differences among political parties, the role of money in the election process, and the electoral college. The platforms and differences among the 2016 presidential candidates will be discussed.  The class will be run as a socratic-style seminar facilitated by Leila Leoncavallo, a former attorney, Supreme Court docent, and engaging, admired civics educator. Discussions will be conducted in a respectful, balanced forum. Students will be asked to read or watch the news on issues pertaining to the upcoming election.

The class is for 7th – 9th graders (and motivated 6th graders.) The new section will be offered from 12:00 pm – 12:55 pm on Wednesdays. This is an 8-week class that begins on March 30. The class is being offered at its early registration discounted price. Register for this special class online!

Road to the White House Donkey-Elephant Graphic