Remember to Register Before You Pack!

Remember to register for Compass fall classes before you head out on vacation and summer adventures! Summer flies by, and fall will be here before you know it! Make sure you have selected some Compass classes for your fall homeschooling plan!

Early registration is ongoing for 1st quarter classes which begin September 7 and September 9. A 10% early registration discount is offered for registrations completed by June 30. Look at our schedule for 90+ innovative, experiential classes for homeschoolers in K-12th grade in science, technology, math, robotics, writing, civics, history, French, Spanish, Mandarin, mosaics, drawing, music, dance, acting, fencing, CrossFit, chess, cooking…and more! Look at our course catalog for an array of high school level classes. All classes are small and taught by subject matter experts. Registration is a-la-cart by class, and new families are welcome to enroll!

Compass offers a warm, welcoming environment with special programs and community activities to bring homeschoolers together. Classes are centrally located in Oakton.


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