NEW! AP (Advanced Placement) Classes at Compass 2018-19

Compass jumped through the hoops, battled the bureaucracy, and succeeded in being the first homeschool program in Virginia to be treated as a school by the AP (Advanced Placement) program of the College Board! AP classes offered through Compass are officially recognized by the College Board and listed in their register of approved programs! Read more below about why a high school student should consider AP classes and which ones Compass is offering:

2018-19 AP Courses

Why AP?

  • AP classes allow students to dig deeper into subjects they are interested in and provide the academic challenge that some crave. AP classes use college-level textbooks.
  • AP classes introduce content and rigor equivalent to first year college classes to give teens a preview of university-level work. AP classes allow students to practice higher-level time management and study skills.

AP at Compass:

  • At Compass, homeschooled students will have the benefit of small group classes and in-person instruction in their AP class.
  • Compass AP classes are not restricted to 11th and 12th grade students. Younger high school students who are up for the challenge may take an AP class.

Stand Out in College Admissions:

  • College admissions advisors routinely say that they want to see that an applicant, including a home schooled student, took the most challenging and rigorous class options available to them.
  • Show colleges and universities that you are ready to work at undergraduate level and that you have “what it takes” to succeed in college.

Earn an Objective Grade:

  • If a homeschooled student takes an AP exam, he/she will earn a score than can be reflected on a homeschool transcript as an objective grade from an outside source, and one that can be easily compared to other students. A few AP scores will help admissions counselors understand your home-crafted transcript and instill confidence in parent-awarded grades.

Double Dip:

  • An AP class meets or exceeds a full-year high school credit, and if a student takes and passes the corresponding AP exam, he/she might be awarded college credit for the same work.

Save Time and Money:

  • College credits earned through AP exams in high school save money in the long run. The cost of a Compass class now is less expensive than the cost of tuition for a 3-6 hour college course several years from now.
  • With dual earned credit, such as AP, some students save time (and funds) by completing college in fewer semesters or by opting out of introductory classes and moving into higher level and major classes sooner in college.

But what if I don’t test well or don’t want to take the exam?

  • AP classes will prepare the student for the content of the exams, and instructors will give practice tests to ensure readiness.
  • Students can take an AP class and then decide not to take the exam in May 2019. He/she will still have received a rich, in-depth class worthy of a full high school credit. Even without the exam, a student can list a Compass AP class as “AP” on his/her transcript since our classes are approved and documented by the College Board AP program.
  • In two of Compass’s AP classes, Environmental Science and Psychology, a student can elect to move to honors level mid-year if he/she finds the AP workload too challenging. Honors level meets together and at the same time as AP, so there would be no change to a student’s schedule.

Register for these AP classes or others online. Contact the Compass AP administrator if you have general questions about AP classes, tests, or credits, or contact the instructor to discuss workload or class specifics.