Learn to Sing! Class Returns to Compass this Spring!

Compass welcomes vocal instructor Regina McCann back this spring to lead her beloved “Learn to Sing” class! Students are invited to join “Learn to Sing: Solos from Stage and Screen” in 4th quarter. Classes begin next week on Wednesday, March 25.

Beginning, intermediate, or experienced singers in 4th-8th grade will discover the joy of singing through differentiated, small group vocal instruction and individual coaching. The class will work on some group selections from Disney or children’s Broadway, and each student will be encouraged to select, practice, and perform a solo.

Regina will instruct students on basic breathing techniques, vocal health, artistry, music literacy, music theory, and sight reading. The emphasis will be on developing each person’s unique and natural voice. Student will enjoy improved self esteem and confidence as they learn to share their voice with others. At the conclusion of the quarter, a small recital will be held for the friends and family of the Learn to Sing! students.

This is an 8-week class taught at Compass in Oakton. Register online!

Learn to Sing Class