Homeschool Delegation to the Virginia Junior Classical League Convention!

Attention all Roman/Greek enthusiasts and scholars:

Did you know that every year the Virginia Junior Classical League (VJCL) holds a state convention in Richmond, Virginia where students can learn more about the Romans and the Greeks and compete on tests at a state level in the subjects of history, culture, mythology, ancient geography, English derivatives, and vocabulary?


The VJCL convention is a great opportunity for Latin/Greek scholars on any level to compete in testing and also projects such as costume contests and art displays that pertain to Greek and Roman life and showcase your talents.


In addition to the competitive side of VJCL, it is also a wonderful opportunity to meet your peers and have fun at the Roman banquet while dressed up in your best toga or stola!  There are “discamus” sessions which are led by professors from various colleges and universities regarding topics such as the military, literature, culture, history, and more!


The Compass “Latin for Learning Language” instructor, Ashley Walsh, has sponsored and accompanied students to this convention for 4 years. She has offered to assemble and lead a homeschool group to go to this year’s state convention on November 23rd and 24th at the Richmond Convention Center.  In order to attend, students must be at least in the 6th grade. If you are interested in going or have any questions, please contact her at for more information. Registration for the event ends October 25th, so the deadline is approaching.  If you are not interested this year but would be interested in going next year, please let her know that as well so we can be sure to get information to you over the summer for 2015.

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