Featured Class- Maker Labs: Futuristic Fiber Tech

Have you wondered what the “Futuristic Fiber Tech” classes are at Compass? These are two all-new winter Maker Labs where students will use real tools and learn practical skills to make things for themselves!

In Futuristic Fiber Tech, students will learn sewing and electronics skills to make their own soft sculpture with an integrated circuit!  Young makers will learn both hand and machine stitching and pattern making. They will be working with soft circuits and conductive thread in addition to fabrics, foam, buttons, snaps, and embellishments. Students will learn the basics of simple electronics  as they sew LEDs intro their projects, incorporate switches, and wire batteries while making a unique stuffed toy that beeps, blinks, rings, flashes, or more!

Maker Lab: Futuristic Fiber Tech is offered from 1:30 – 2:55 pm for students in grades 4 -8, and Maker Lab Jr is offered from 3:00 – 3:55 pm for students in grades 1-3.  These are 8-week classes that begin on Wednesday, January 13. See actual photos from the instructor below. Register today!

Fiber Tech- 3 Photos