Compass Information Sessions, Wednesday, May 13

Compass will host 3 information sessions on Wednesday, May 13, for homeschool families considering our classes next year! If you have heard about Compass, but haven’t tried our classes, please come by to get an overview of the program, see a draft of the fall schedule, peek in some classrooms, and meet current Compass families. We will share information about special activities and events that we host throughout the year and answer common questions about registration, age/grade placement, drop-off, questions about specific classes, and anything else our guests want to know! We will unveil the new Compass high school level classes.

Session 1: 11:00 am – 11:45 am

Session 2: 1:00 pm- 1:45 pm

Session 3: 3:00 pm- 3:45 pm

Location: 2705 Hunter Mill Road, Oakton, VA 22124

RSVP by e-mailing or reply on the contact page. Let us know whether we will meet you in the morning or afternoon session.

Compass Homeschool Enrichment offers homeschool families a menu of high quality extracurricular and enrichment classes for students in K-12th grade. 70+ classes are offered each quarter in science, technology, robotics, math, art, music, drama, foreign languages, humanities, and more! Classes are taught by professional instructors on Wednesdays in a 4-quarter, 30-week academic year. New families are welcome to join throughout the year. Compass families enjoy a warm, welcoming community and special activities and events in addition to regularly scheduled classes.

Subscribe to updates on our home page or follow us on Facebook.

Unable to attend? Contact us to schedule a visit at an alternate time.

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