Books for Food at Compass Wednesday!

This Wednesday, please join Compass is a special holiday exchange…Books for Food. Compass parent Kouthar Muttardy and her family have been gathering boxes and palettes of books that were being discarded by the Prince William County public school and library systems. The family has saved these books from the landfill, sorted them into categories, and is hoping to put them back to use by homeschool families, all while helping fill the shelves at a local food pantry.

In exchange for books, families are asked to bring non-perishable canned goods, pantry items (no glass bottles or expired items please), or health/cleaning/toiletry/infant items from the wish list below. The requested trade is one donated item for one book. As the boxes empty of books, they will get filled back up with needed food items that will be donated to the SERVE food pantry ( which feeds more than 800 Prince William County families each month.

Date: Wednesday, November 18

Time: 10:00 am until books run out

Location: Compass front lawn (in the event of rain, the swap will take place in Room 11)

SERVE Wish List: soup, cereal, pancake mix, canned beans, canned vegetables, pasta and spaghetti, pasta sauce, canned meats, canned tomatoes and tomato sauce, canned fruit, rice, cleaning supplies, toilet paper, paper towels, diapers (all sizes, esp. 3+), wipes, baby formula, baby food, toothbrushes (childen & adult), full-size toothpaste, dental floss

Cornacopia with Books