Announcing the 2014 Homeschool Family Science Night and Science Fair

Save the date for the Compass 2014 Homeschool Family Science Night featuring a Science Fair, Show-What-You-Know Expo, Einstein Alive! performances, and hands-on labs and activity stations! This event is open to all area homeschoolers and their families. Details are available for those what want to register and get started on science fair projects!

Date: Wednesday, January 29, 2014

Time: 5:00 pm – 8:00 pm

Einstein Picture 1Save the date, and bring your whole family out to celebrate and explore science and technology! Students in grades 3-9 are invited to participate in the Compass Science Fair. This is a judged competition, and a good opportunity for a first time science fair project. Younger students in grades K-5 can show off a favorite  science topic, invention, or hobby in the Show-What-You-Know Expo, a fun showcase of students’ STEM interests and hobbies. (Homeschoolers in 3rd, 4th, or 5th grade can participate in either level depending on readiness.)

The whole family can meet Albert Einstein in the Einstein Alive! Show at Homeschool Family Science night. Learn about physics, the theory of relativity, and Einstein’s contributions and eccentricities through the antics of living history performer and scholar Marc Siegal. Marc will bring Einstein alive in two zany performances with audience participation, demonstrations, songs, and humor! Finally, kids can experiment at Hands-On Labs/Activity Stations with experiments and demonstrations including a giant, free-build LEGO Construction Zone room!

Admission to Homeschool Family Science Night is now on sale! The small entry fee for Science Fair and Show-What-You-Know Expo includes the student’s admission to Science Night. Parents, siblings, and friends of exhibiting Fair and Expo students can purchase separate admission to the event. Admission is on sale on the Compass store(Note that this event is being handled through the “Store” instead of through class registration. Online/credit card payments are accepted through PayPal, or by cash/check in person on Wednesdays at Compass.)

Homeschool Family Science Night will be held at 2705 Hunter Mill Road in Oakton on the Compass campus.  Guidelines for the Science Fair and Show-What-You-Know Expo are available online. Compass families are those with at least one child enrolled in Compass classes for 2013-2014, and non-Compass families are any other homeschool family welcome to join us, but not enrolled in Compass classes this year.