Skills for School: High School and Beyond


p>Quizzes, tests, homework, projects, reports, teams, clubs, jobs, internships, volunteer work, applications, life decisions arghhh! The demands of high school can be overwhelming or downright intimidating to most teens, even those who are homeschooled! And guess what? That variety of new responsibilities and expectations doesn t go away. They will likely increase in the later years of high school and into college. But don t worry- there are strategies and core skills that will help prepare a teen for success in high school and beyond.

Study skills and college success basics include a toolbox of key life skills that will help your teen tackle high school and prepare for college. These skills are taught through in-class activities, some at-home trials, and by evaluating best practices. They are not taught as a one-size-fits all, but rather a range of options to accomplish the same thing for individual learners and different learning styles. Skills that will be addressed in this class include time management skills and tools like planners, to-do lists, calendars, and reminders- paper or electronic- what are the options, and what works best? Students will look at ways to manage short-term and long-term assignments; setting goals; how to break a bigger project into manageable steps and milestones; and how to avoid procrastination. The class will also learn fundamentals such as how to tackle a new chapter, read to retain, recall details, annotate, make margin notes, and take notes from readings, lectures, or videos; outline, and the art of brainstorming. Students will learn how to study and prepare for tests.

In their toolbox, teens will also learn soft skills needed in school such as communicating and coordinating with a team on group projects and how to ask for information from teachers, employers, and other adults. The group will complete a career inventory and think about what they might be interested in doing in the future and will get tips on internships, mentor relationships, and options for junior/senior summer or a gap year. Finally, the class will look at sleep, diet, stress, screen time, and other personal habits that can impact a teen's work and effectiveness.

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