Career Exploration Classes for Homeschooled Teens
Too many of our teens do not have a vision for what they would like to do after high school! Very few high schoolers are aware of all of the options available to them. Waiting to “figure it out” in college can be costly: changes in major and transfers to other colleges can result in a loss of earned college credit along with more time and more $$$$$ spent on higher education.
Teens can explore career options with a wide range of unique, experiential electives at Compass. Click the “Career” button on the registration page to view the choices. Check out:
- Exercise Science: Fitness & Physiology
- Medical Mission: Emergency Essentials (EMR/EMT)
Built Environment
- Design & Construction: Building Basics
- Intro to Interior Design: Fundamentals
Hospitality/ Culinary Arts
- Advanced Baking Academy: Delightful Desserts
- Culinary Foundations: Mixed Up! (Stir-Fries & Casseroles)
- Ancient Justice: Crime & Punishment in Medieval Times
- Courtroom Drama: Trial Advocacy
- Criminology: Fundamentals of Forensic Science
Performing & Visual Arts
- Director’s Chair: Clue!
- Songwriting Studio
- AP 2D Art & Design
- 3D Design & Printing Studio
- Intro to Interior Design: Fundamentals
- Introduction to Digital Photography
Business/Economics/Academic Research
- Economic Empires: Tycoons, Titans & Tyrants- a Market Simulation Game
- Mastering Microsoft Office: Word & Excel (Certificate Program)
- Information Masters: Inquiry & Investigation (On-Level and Honors)
- Introduction to Computer Science: Python Programming
- Code for a Cause: Technovation Team for Girls
- 3D Design & Printing Studio
- Robotics Challenge Lab
- Submersible Robotics: Remote Operated Vehicle (ROV)
Military History/Intelligence
- War Room: Military Intelligence- The World at War
Advice from a veteran homeschool parent: It is easier to homeschool teens and help them customize their high school experience when they have an area(s) of interest, and it is easier to guide them in the college selection process if they have an idea of what they might wish to explore further (or not).
All Compass career exploration classes can be counted as electives on a high school transcript. If you have more questions on these classes or this approach to homeschooling high school, schedule a consultation this summer with the Compass director: